
Virtual Poson Bakthi Gee

As a continuation of their activities during this, in spite of schools being closed, the Musaeus College Senior Prefects have created a Virtual Poson Bakthi Gee video.

This video is a tribute to their efforts.

Please use any one of the links below to access the program.

» https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QXPdllg5SMfv0D0Hkpop6YF1AHQU8tHF/view?usp=drivesdk

» https://www.dropbox.com/s/1twar6m4mrn24kp/Bakthigeetha.mp4?dl=0

» https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RjiCcVlv0JuGAsdD3fm2c4FZf4jkPKiS/view?usp=drivesdk

Virtual Poson Celebrated by Students of Musaeus College

In spite of school being closed with no access to students and parents who are scattered all over the island, the students of Musaeus College created this video to celebrate Poson virtually.

Please click on the link below to download the video

» Buddhanu Bawena

We salute our Principal, Teachers & the Management for facilitating e-learning for students during the COVID 19 pandemic.

This video is a token of appreciation from us!


The 2nd Term 2020 will begin on May 11th. The online teaching will continue until it is completely safe for our children to return to school. Students have adjusted to the new system of learning and we are now actively engaged with all the classes, from Grades 1 to 13. Even the children in the Nursery section are engaged in activities which are sent by their teachers on a weekly basis.

Together we can ensure that our students are not disadvantaged during this difficult time.

e-Learning e-Learning
Vesak Sil Vesak