

There are two libraries for Primary and Senior Section. Each consists of a reference section and a lending section with a well maintained stock of books. The  reference section provides papers and magazines and reference library contain many valuable books. School magazines, souvenirs, local and foreign periodicals, teachers’ guides and many subject titles are available.

Science Laboratories:

There are five fully – equipped laboratories for Chemistry, Physics, Botany, Zoology and Biology. Senior classes are provided with practical sessions in these subjects in accordance with the requirements for admission to the University. An experienced Science Graduate is in charge of each of these sections. Separate Science Laboratories have been provided for students of Grades 6 to 10, in line with the new syllabus requirement of the Department of Education.  There are qualified Laboratory assistants to help with the practical sessions.

Computer Centre:

Air Conditioned Computer Centres equipped with modern computer facilities available for Primary and Senior sections create an environment conductive to learning for the students. These Centres are managed by the well qualified personnel. The combination of competent staff, current technology and modern curriculum produce an education of high standard.

Home Science Department:

The school has a well-equipped Home Science Department which caters to the junior, secondary and senior classes. The courses provided are comprehensive and include practical training in cookery and needle craft. Classes are conducted by experienced and qualified staff.

Sports Facilities:

A fair-sized playground is available for Physical Education and for games such as hockey, netball and other games. A separate Tennis court and a badminton court are also available for the students. A new building complex is in rapid progress with a swimming pool, gymnasium and sports complex.